5 lessons we've learned to drive sales qualified leads

No one wakes up in the morning and decides, “I’m going to buy something today.”

Instead, they go through a path to purchase that includes research and evaluation before committing to a sales call.

We don't know where people are at in the sales journey.

So, in your business messaging, you should include elements that appeal to those in the learning/awareness phase, through to those considering a supplier.

👉5 lessons we've learned to drive sales qualified leads:

1) Understand the stages within the marketing funnel 🔻

How the funnel works is simple. The top of the funnel indicates they are further away from a purchasing decision while those who make it to the bottom of the funnel are closer to a purchasing decision.

2) Create content for all stages of the funnel 🎨

Once you have an idea of who your buyer persona is, you can begin creating content for your buyer at different stages.

3) Choose the right channels ⛵

As you create content that considers the stage they're at in their journey; decide on the best channels to put the content in front of them.

4) Set realistic goals ⚽

When done right, building a full-funnel approach will trigger some short-term revenue, but the key is to focus on the bigger picture to create a long-term sustainable approach to demand generation.

5) Test, learn, and refine 🍣

Track the performance of each piece AND the entire funnel holistically – then learn from the data each month to refine your strategy and execution.

The last point is where most will fall down. It’s crucial to use insight data to refine campaigns and improve success. We also ask for metrics when looking to spend marketing budget with membership bodies (who help to increase awareness of your solutions).


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