Why Fintechs Need a Specialised Fintech Marketing Agency in 2023

Digital banking apps, blockchain-based payments, automated investing - these disruptors are shaking up the somewhat traditional financial services industry.

As a fintech, you're luckily in a prime position to stand out against traditional players. But, the competition is fierce. Winning over users requires smart, strategic marketing tailored to this dynamic industry.

Cue the need for:

✅ a significant understanding of customer needs

✅ a strong understanding of technical and complex topics

✅ a genuine unique angle and selling point

It’s quite a tall order if you’re new to marketing. And that's where specialised fintech marketing agencies come in.

In this blog, we’ll cover why exactly fintechs need a specialist fintech marketing agency. Let's dive in…

Why is a specialist fintech marketing agency a must-have?

Let’s break it down to one simple thing: Unlike generalist marketing firms, these focus solely on financial technology 👌

They literally live and breathe financial services and every nuance of the industry – and most likely have done for decades. From the latest innovations to trends, tech and regulations, they've got their finger on the pulse of all things fintech.

Having worked in marketing for many years, the right fintech marketing agency will marry both their knowledge of financial services and their digital marketing skills, strategic messaging and positioning, and connections to give fintechs a competitive edge.

But what really makes them so different?

The ultimate driver for fintechs hiring a specialist fintech marketing agency is this: They understand your business model and commercial goals. They know how to help fintech brands like yours get cut-through, resonate, continue to repeatedly engage users and ultimately, help you to grow in this ever-evolving landscape.

Essentially, they become your marketing partner – armed with insider knowledge and expertise, to help you compete and rapidly grow a long-term sales pipeline. 💪

Let’s break down how exactly they do this…

#1: Fintech marketing agencies bring industry expertise

Because they live and breathe this industry every day, they’re well-versed in:

  • The latest fintech innovations, new entrants, trends and regulations

  • Messaging and campaigns that resonate with your industry and offerings

    • *** A good agency will even delve into pain points, user motivations and preferences through surveys, interviews, and more.

  • Tried, tested and proven marketing strategies that impact your revenue

It's a winning combination to support growth because it means they can position you to stand out and get people to actually want to read your communications, again and again.

Why is this important? Regular engagement builds trust and an affinity with your brand so that when they’re ready to buy, they’ll think of you AND they’ll mention you to peers. You basically become the go-to in your area.

And essentially, this all builds up to create a demand generation engine.

📕 New to demand generation? Learn more here: What is demand generation? Your complete guide

#2: Fintech marketing agencies have digital know-how

Given that your industry is all about digital adoption, it makes sense for a fintech marketing agency to be digitally savvy. To get you in front of your target audience, they’ll:

>> Have knowledge and expertise to manage campaigns across SEO, social media management, email marketing, ABM and more.

>> Create thought leadership that stands out.

>> And then they’ll leverage analytics and data to continuously refine campaigns.

Whilst this supports new business strategies, you’ll find a good fintech marketing agency will also know which tactics to deploy to support customer retention too – for example repurposing some of these new business efforts, like valuable content. This really helps to maximise the value and ROI of marketing spend. 💶📈

Combined, these expertise drive real marketing results for fintechs.

Keen to see how? See some real-life examples here.

#3: Fintech marketing agencies strategically position you

How you position your fintech makes all the difference to revenue generation. You want to be seen as the industry leader – with the knowledge, experience and general 'likeable' nature*.

*This is where building a human / relatable brand comes in*. More on this here.

The better fintech marketing agencies will leverage in-depth research to shape your tone of voice so that your messaging resonates. Creating your thought leadership content for you, they'll then also be able to find the best media outlets to publish on and get you in front of your target audience – continuing to build engagement and trust.

📕Learn more: B2B fintech marketing: How to steal market share and grow in 2023

#4: Fintech marketing agencies monitor engagement

And they don't just stop at marketing execution. They get under the data to see how campaigns are performing – looking at high-level metrics like blog views and email and social media engagement, through to leads generated.

Using this, they shape things like SEO content cluster strategies, invest efforts in other media outlets, target niche subset audiences and more.

Fintechs that use fintech marketing agencies generate hundreds of thousands in revenue

In fact, it is proven that fintechs that use fintech marketing agencies can see results like these:

  • Fintech has gone from being unknown to landing top tier banking clients

  • One client changed their entire value proposition leading to a multi-million pound contract

  • Multiple new clients ranking no1 for keywords, plus featured snippets 4,000+ views for lots of our blogs on Finextra - including getting clients featured in the newsletter for free

  • Improved LinkedIn engagements from 3 - 50% by repurposing blogs into flipbooks Generated hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of demand for B2B data & tech businesses

Keen to learn more? Check out this case study. There's a short extract below 👇

"We now have a strong brand presence and excellent market positioning. In addition, we have a wealth of great collateral for our use in the sales process which has no doubt helped towards landing the bigger banking clients this year.” — Nick Green, Co-founder at PurplePatch

Ready to disrupt finance? Find the right fintech marketing agency

As you can see, fintech marketing agencies have the right skills, tried and tested methods and understanding of the fintech industry to drive commercial results.

They are fully immersed in the sector but they don't get cocky with it. A good fintech marketing agency will still do thorough research to understand your solution and how it addresses your target audience's burning pain points.

So, now, the real question is: Are you ready to generate more revenue? If yes, here's your next step 👇

Take a look at this blog for a checklist: Must-haves to look for in a fintech marketing agency.


Humanising your brand: The power of authenticity in B2B financial marketing


The future of B2B content: Trends, predictions (+examples)