Lessons learned from over 10 years marketing for B2B fintechs

Being heard and generating demand is crucial for the growth of any company. This is especially true for B2B Fintechs - given the highly competitive nature of the industry. 

While many fintechs will claim to have the latest AI or automation features, without the right kind of marketing backing it up, and with all your LinkedIn connections running dry, even the most revolutionary product can fail to live out its potential. 

The challenge: Today's buyers  don't want to feel “sold to”. As buyers, we buy on our own time. We do our own research. And we educate ourselves - without ever contacting a salesperson. 

👉That’s why the right approach is so important. 

Lesson #1: Demand gen content marketing

In such a saturated market, B2B technology and data-based businesses have to stand up and stand for something. Sharing impactful, thoughtful messaging – not just jargon and sales messages.

Ultimately, to create demand, nurture leads and convert sales, you need to create information that your buyers want to read, which then creates awareness and affinity with your company, narrative, and where you see the industry going.

Adopting a demand gen content marketing strategy within the fintech space will not only boost awareness, but help you to rank well in Google, build trust, and convert sales. 

Lesson #2: Email marketing 

Email marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective and efficient marketing tools. At its most basic level, a monthly newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with your audience and add value at the same time. 

You can even take it one step further and segment your audience by interests and send a series of highly personal and tailored emails to nurture prospects down the sales funnel. 

Lesson #3: Organic LinkedIn 

Posting regularly on LinkedIn is one of the best and cheapest ways to engage with your ideal customers on the channels they are already engaging with. 

The key here is consistency and helpfulness. And don't get too caught up with metrics. There are a lot of 'silent' engagers viewing your posts. If you remain consistent and provide the right value then you will be top of mind for when they are ready to buy.

Lesson #4: Sales and product-led content

Partnerships are an inherent part of the fintech model. And sales or product-led content can play a key role to improve sales and business development. From one pagers, to case studies, and sales decks, creating the right product or sales-led content can really help to push sales over the line. 

Lesson #5: PR 

Trust is hard-won and long before anyone trusts you, they need to like you. This is where PR can help. New win releases are one of the best ways to build credibility. And we've seen a lot of strong leads come directly off the back of a well-placed new win release too. 

The takeaway

In a world lacking transparency, openness and building credibility is powerful. B2B fintechs can draw on examples like those above to build trust, prove credibility, and ultimately create demand.

As you gather more insight, your strategy will continue to grow and become more successful. 

📕If you're not quite convinced, you can read more detailed insight on the practical steps that have proven to deliver consistent sales revenue here. 


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